Wisconsin Mushroom Farm
We are passionate about fresh mushrooms! Our Northwood Mushrooms farm in Clayton, Wisconsin grows organic shiitake and other specialty mushrooms. Our mushrooms are grown on logs sustainably harvested from the woods, or in-ground in raised beds, or indoors on blocks.
Our Wisconsin-grown shiitake mushrooms and other culinary and medicinal mushrooms can be found in Twin Cities groceries, restaurants, farmers markets, and through several CSAs. You can also order our Wisconsin-grown organic mushrooms in our online shop or join our CSA:

Meet the Mushroom Growers
Jeremy and Aimee McAdams run Northwood Mushrooms, a farm northeast of the Twin Cities that provides log-grown shiitake and other culinary and medicinal mushrooms and mushroom products to markets, restaurants, vegetable CSAs, and stores in the Twin Cities and the upper midwest.

Where to Find Our Wisconsin Mushrooms
We sell bulk and packaged fresh mushrooms, powdered and dried mushrooms, and a variety of mushroom butters and pates to many grocery stores in the upper Midwest, especially in the Twin Cities. Examples include Seward Co-op, Wedge Co-op, and Mississippi Market.

Contact Us
As we are a working production farm, we cannot do tours at any old time. We do offer at least one tour a year when we have a farm Open House. Please join our mailing list to find out when these are coming up, or check out our calendar of events.
Northwood Mushrooms
827 15th Street, Clayton WI 54004

Mushroom Farm Share
Each summer we team up with several CSA (community supported agriculture) vegetable farms to bring locally grown mushrooms to families on a bi-weekly basis. CSAs are generally paid for in advance and give families a full growing season’s worth of vegetables or other farm products.
Our Mushroom Farm Share Includes:
8-10 bi-monthly mushroom shares added to your CSA box. You will get a selection of shiitake, oyster, lion’s mane, and other cultivated and foraged mushrooms like hen of the woods and chanterelles. Our mushrooms are mostly certified organic, cultivated outdoors on logs and in mushroom beds, or indoors on blocks, or wild-crafted.

We’re happy to offer our products year-round at the Mill City Farmers Market in downtown Minneapolis most Saturday mornings for pre-order and pickup.
Saturdays at
Mill City Farmers Market
704 S 2nd St, Minneapolis, MN 55401
Times are listed on the market website, while our dates are listed on our Workshops and Markets Calendar. Please pre-order items for any of our Saturday markets by each Thursday before the market so we can have your pickup ready.