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These two farmers have an enforced break coming up as we're heading to the Northwest for a family wedding. In years past, things quieted down in October and we could take a break, a little vacation, in October and not worry about the farm too much. But this year, the mushrooms aren't showing any signs of stopping!

Naturally fruiting shiitake, that like the cooler weather, are growing again. We haven't seen them since the spring!

This strain is called Miss Happiness - they are so beautiful!

We watered AND then we got rain - which made all the nameko very happy.

We still have a few lion's mane popping up now and then on the logs.

Grey Dove oysters - and we also have some Blue Dolphin oysters growing. Do you see the frog? I was so focused on taking the picture of the oysters, I didn't even see the frog until I was looking at the pictures later! Frog photobomb!

And Polar White oysters. SO MANY of them! We were picking them for hours and hours yesterday!

Our two employees will be here to hold down the fort and pick as many mushrooms as they can! But hopefully it does slow down for them. I have never been so ready for winter before. Ha!


Soaking in some late morning fall sun - this is such a good napping spot!


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