We are still inoculating away! We need to do over 500 logs a week to get done by the end of May. Our employee is feeling better and is back on the job (yay!) but we had yet another delay this week when our compressor broke down. The manufacturer isn’t even sure how it could have broken, so they’re sending us a new one. But that means no inoculations for a whole week!
During this break time we’re working to get the Almond House ready to go. We won’t inoculate those beds till late May probably, but there is plenty to do to make sure it will be ready (and not a grassy jungle) by then.
We’ve been collecting all the cardboard we can find around the farm – and then last weekend we started raiding the recycled cardboard bins at the Seward Co-op. Thanks Seward!
We’ve brought in a couple mountains of cardboard to flatten and lay out.

It looks like so much cardboard…

But from the other side of the Almond House it looks like we have a long way to go!

We’re loading in even more cardboard today and working on setting up the beds. In the next month or so we’ll be bringing in compost and wood chips and everything else we need so we can inoculate with Almond Agaricus, Wine Caps, and probably some Blewits. But hopefully Wednesday we’ll have our new compressor so we can get back to inoculating all these logs!