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The Almonds are “planted!”

This last week we got the Almond Agaricus in the ground. We brought in a big load of compost and filled up the beds on the south side of the Almond House.

Yesterday we made our plan then folks got busy! That would be Cyle, our Production Lead, David, our current WWOOFer, and Megan, our new Picker/Packer.

We needed one bag of spawn per nine square feet. They marked grids out in the soil and set the bags out.

Each block of spawn was broken up into chunks and placed to fill up each marked out area. 

All the spawn was buried in the compost as they went along. 

And then it was time for straw! We brought over half a bale of straw and that was spread over the top of each bed. 


<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Loading the compost took a day or two last week, but this last part of doing the inoculating took about three hours. We'll spray the beds down now and again to keep them damp while the mycelium is growing. In about a month we'll remove the straw and put some peat moss and lime down (the "casing" layer). And then hopefully the Almonds start growing within a couple weeks after that.Loading the compost took a day or two last week, but this last part of doing the inoculating took about three hours. We’ll spray the beds down now and again to keep them damp while the mycelium is growing. In about a month we’ll remove the straw and put some peat moss and lime down (the “casing” layer). And then hopefully the Almonds start growing within a couple weeks after that.

Some time soon we’ll also bring in some soil and wood chips for the Wine Cap beds on the north side. The Almond House is really shaping up nicely! It’s amazing how nice it is compared to our cobbled together growing spaces of the last few years. We’re looking forward to some really nice mushrooms from here!

(p.s. I’m on a little winter project to add stories from our newsletter to our website blog – which I’ve been terrible at doing! So I’m adding in some posts and back-dating them in case anyone wonders what’s up!)


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