I've been sending this weekly update on Monday through the summer instead of Sunday like I used to do. I looked back at last year to see what I was reporting a year ago - this was our newsletter title one year ago today (the end is near... maybe...) and it feels just as true this year as last!
We're definitely having cooler temperatures overnight, but daytime temps are still holding in the glorious 70s - and we're even going to have some 80s this week! So the shiitake just keep growing and growing. Jeremy and I picked 4 big totes of shiitake last night and the guys have picked over 10 totes today. So many! I don't think we were getting quite this many this time last year; I think it was colder.
Last year at this time we were planning to move that shed over to the pack-shed for a fruiting chamber - and of course that project is all done and we're using that new fruiting chamber! We were also planning some sort of electrical project... that's what I wrote, I have no idea what that project was now. Ha!
This fall we're looking forward to a big move and change with all of our outdoor logs. We've got plans to change the naturally fruiting logs area and just haven't had time. It will be better to move those in the cooler weather anyway. And of course all sorts of deferred projects! We're all looking forward to a break in mushroom picking and doing some fun other projects.

Tiny little baby oysters! These are polar white oysters which started popping a couple weeks ago. They start out tiny like this but get much bigger!

We are harvesting our favorite squash from the garden, delicata, and enjoying it with our Smoked Shiitake Butter. So, so yummy! Quite a few of our CSA members will be getting a jar of smoked shiitake butter at their last delivery with us. Make sure to enjoy that on a delicata - so yummy!

This bin is under my desk and sometimes I like to put my feet up on it. However, Spore has claimed it as a new napping spot! How can I say no to this cutie?