The last few weeks around here have been a bit difficult. Jeremy came down with a cold mid-month which he passed on to me a week later. It's finally nearly done, but it's been hard to find the energy to do even the bare minimum.
Also, both of our wonderful employees gave notice. One is already gone and the other has a few days left. Both had family-related issues come up that necessitated their need to move on. It's not the best time - but then again, there is never a good time for us! We are desperately looking for new folks to join our crazy mushroom farm adventure. It feels a bit intense right now, but we've been through this before and we know we'll get through it again. Send us good wishes for finding new great employees!
FARM TOUR! July 16, 2022
Mark your calendars everyone! We will be part of the 2022 Eat Local Co-Op Farm Tour this coming July! Details aren't up on the website yet, I assume out of caution in case Covid rears its head again and things all get cancelled again - but we're hoping all will be well and the tour will happen!
This has been an annual event for many years organized by many of the co-ops in the Twin Cities. There are farms all over the region that will be on the tour. It's a great chance for folks to get out and see where your food is grown! The tour is from 10am to 4pm. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you then!

Lots of hard core napping going on around here lately. Spore is fine with that!